Activity news IHO


Đăng 23/03/2021; xem 552 lượt;

World Meteorological Day March 23, 2021 was launched by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) with the theme "Our Oceans, Weather and Climate". Oceans, covering up to 70% of the Earth's area, are very important to our climate system and life. The ocean is where about 90% of the heat received from the Sun is stored and stored on Earth. The ocean is also the environment where storms are formed, the temperature of the ocean determines the strength or weakness of storms, plays a great role in helping us to forecast and warn of storms and information. Disaster news comes from storms. With this important role, the theme of this year's World Meteorological Day is also the time to mark the start of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development for the period 2021-2030 with many goals: The objective is to sustainably manage coastal ecosystems, including ecosystem resilience and marine spatial planning to minimize the impact of sea level rise, other phenomena. extreme weather, floods and erosion, improve and update baseline reference values ​​for environmental conditions and public perception; We aim for integrated monitoring and data sharing, including the use of satellites, fixed and mobile monitoring systems, all of which provide information for common data management and the System. Global Ocean Observation System.

As a member of WMO, Vietnam's hydrometeorology will closely coordinate with stakeholders, commit to promote marine scientific research and monitoring activities, and contribute to the realization of WMO's commitment to common goals. on the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science: “Safe Oceans”, “Oceans of Understanding” and “Oceans of Clarity”. Vietnam has been coordinating with WMO and member countries to have research and information exchange programs to increasingly improve forecasting capacity, and raise the role and position of Vietnam's hydrometeorology industry.

On the occasion of World Water Day, World Meteorological Day and Earth Hour campaign in 2021, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment assigned the General Department of Meteorology and its affiliated units to coordinate with units inside and outside the Ministry of Finance. environment resources to integrate response activities. Accordingly, on March 23, there will be a launching ceremony to respond to World Meteorological Day and a seminar on "Ocean monitoring - Disaster warning forecasting for marine livelihoods". This meaningful activity was organized online from the General Department of Meteorology and Hydrology to 63 online bridge points in 63 provinces and cities. With the participation of ministries, sectors, mass organizations, scientists in the fields of research and operation of meteorology, hydrology, oceanography, disaster prevention and search and rescue forces. at sea, representatives of embassies, international agencies and organizations, representatives of leaders of provinces and cities, press agencies, students from universities training in hydrometeorology, businesses and cadres, civil servants, civil servants nationwide.

Activities to respond to World Meteorological Day are published by the Newspaper of Natural Resources and Environment on the online television platform and shared on media channels and social networks at specialized information pages of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Environment and websites of the General Department of Meteorology, Environment and Natural Resources Communication Center and its affiliated units with the desire to be widely shared on mass media to the social community. This is a meaningful activity that connects forecasters with the whole society to join hands to provide disaster warning and forecasting services to ensure the safety of people and property, provide information and raise awareness. knowledge of phytosanitary for the social community, contributing to promoting socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security.

The theme of World Meteorological Day 2021 is: “Our Oceans, Weather and Climate”, which aims to connect oceans, climates and weather in the Earth system. At the same time, the role of science in forecasting hydro-meteorological warnings (KTTV), especially ocean monitoring has been strongly researched, applied and deployed in many countries in order to enhance the protection of nature. networks and assets at sea as well as coastal zone management; the interaction between the ocean and climate and weather; ensure safety at sea and on land; ocean monitoring; climate change forecast; sustainable development goals (SDGs) and other initiatives. WMO undertakes activities to improve search, rescue and emergency response to environmental hazards such as oil and chemical and radioactive spills.

In particular, under the impact of ongoing climate change and its impact on natural conditions, natural disasters are becoming "more anomalous and more extreme" in both frequency and intensity, especially sea ​​and ocean related disasters. Therefore, ensuring safety at sea and on land is a global issue, including Vietnam. At the same time, strong coordination between countries is needed to ensure regular and sustainable monitoring. In addition to influencing the geography of climate zones on the planet, oceans cause climate to change over a period of weeks to decades through frequent fluctuations. With improved ocean and atmospheric monitoring and scientific insights, scientists are increasingly able to identify and predict these fluctuations and changes in climate and weather.

In the context of a rapidly growing global population, the need for safety of life at sea and support for coastal zone management is increasing. Therefore, clarifying the overall connection role of hydro-meteorological monitoring, forecasting, as well as early warning services for floods and droughts is extremely necessary to ensure the safety of the environment. networks and assets at sea, promoting sea traffic. With improved ocean and atmosphere monitoring and scientific insights, scientists are increasingly able to identify and predict these fluctuations and changes in climate and weather.

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